Mystery Place: Where is this ancient rock fortress?

mystery Lion fortress

Once upon a time in a kingdom long, long ago—the 5th century— lived a King who rightfully feared for his life.  His greatest fear was a potential attack from his own brother, who was the rightful heir to the throne. And likely wanted to avenge murder in his own family.  The King himself was born to a non-royal concubine. Lusting for power, he rebelled against his own king father, imprisoned him, then entombed him in a wall.

For protection, the King built his palace high on top of a giant free-standing 660 ft rock.

mystery Lion fortressHalfway up this giant rock, there’s a flat plateau where the King built an elaborate lion’s mouth as the entrance to his lofty fortress. All that remains now are two lion’s paws at the base of the rebuilt stairs. Being rather vain, the King also created a highly polished mirror-like wall so he could catch his reflection as he walked by. An advanced hydraulic system pumped water from canals and lakes up to the palace to create a moat, fountains and water gardens. And what was a castle without impressive decorative art? mystery Lion fortress

Frescoes of the naked ladies that were painted along clefts in the walls of the rock are remarkably preserved thanks to being shaded from the sun.

When the King died, his palace was abandoned. Monks turned the Lion Rock into a peaceful monastery and inhabited the space for hundreds of years until the 14th century.

Thanks to a British Army Major who was horseback riding here in 1831, the abandoned site was rediscovered. And archaeologists began uncovering the site. Today, tourists flock to this UNESCO World Heritage Site, considered one of the best examples of ancient urban planning.

But be prepared! There’s 1200 stairs. The physical effort to climb up to the palace seems even greater in the sweltering heat and relentless sun. And fair warning if you’re allergic to wasps or hornets— a sign warns that noise creates a swarm risk here. What about snakes? Oh, you’ll definitely see some. Even have the opportunity to drape a huge one around your neck if you’re game, as this snake charmer has an assortment in the baskets just waiting to entertain.

Ready to guess? Where in the world IS this Lion Rock?




  • Jordan - Is it Sigiriya, Sri Lanka??
    They truly capture the cultural & historical atmosphere of this site!! Thanks for bringing my attention to this hidden gem!

  • Kim - YES, it is!! Thanks for reading and guessing 😉

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